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The first steps to build complex medical image classification pipelines can be difficult.

Here, several Jupyter Notebooks that aim to give an introduction into the core functionality of AUCMEDI, are presented. Even though deep learning models are easier to setup with AUCMEDI compared to TensorFlow, AUCMEDI is not less flexible. For this reason, rather than creating one huge “demonstration Notebook” several small Notebooks were created, so that the reader can pick the sections of interest.


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Three Pillars of AUCMEDI tutorial01.ipynb
Data Loading from CSV tutorial02.ipynb
Data Loading from Directories tutorial03.ipynb
Architecture Selection tutorial04.ipynb
Custom Image Preprocessing tutorial05.ipynb
Data Exploration and Performance Evaluation tutorial06.ipynb
Modern Image Augmentation tutorial07.ipynb
Transfer Learning tutorial08.ipynb
Early Stopping and Transfer Learning tutorial09.ipynb
Explainable Artificial Intelligence tutorial10.ipynb
Integrating Metadata into a Model tutorial11.ipynb