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The framework/API examples for AUCMEDI are complete but explained applications implemented in Jupyter Notebooks.

Jupyter Notebooks offer reproducibility by including the output of each coding block, but can also integrate commentary blocks with Markdown. Also, Jupyter Notebooks can be directly displayed in GitHub without any additional software.

Blog-like Example¤

In this example, AUCMEDI is applied with a in-depth explanatory way in order to guide through the overall functionality.

Title: "How to implement a medical image classification pipeline with just a few lines of code"

Type Link Task
Article on Medium Blog - Article Brain Tumor Classification
Jupyter Notebook blog.notebook.ipynb Skin Lesion Classification
PDF blog.notebook.pdf Skin Lesion Classification

Standardized Examples¤

In these examples, AUCMEDI was applied in a standardized way on various medical imaging modalities in order to demonstrate the high adaptability of AUCMEDI.

ID Medical Field Imaging Modality Link Manuscript
01 Dermatology Dermatoscopy 01.notebook.ipynb 01.manuscript.pdf
02 Gastroenterology Endoscopy (lower) 02.notebook.ipynb 02.manuscript.pdf
03 Gastroenterology Endoscopy (upper) 03.notebook.ipynb 03.manuscript.pdf
04 Histopathology Microscopy 04.notebook.ipynb 04.manuscript.pdf
05 Radiology X-ray 05.notebook.ipynb 05.manuscript.pdf
06 Gynaecology Ultrasound 06.notebook.ipynb 06.manuscript.pdf
07 Radiology Computed Tomography 07.notebook.ipynb 07.manuscript.pdf
08 Ophthalmology Retinal Imaging 08.notebook.ipynb 08.manuscript.pdf
09 Neurology Magnetic Resonance Imaging 09.notebook.ipynb 09.manuscript.pdf