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architecture_dict = {'Vanilla': Vanilla, 'ResNet50': ResNet50, 'ResNet101': ResNet101, 'ResNet152': ResNet152, 'ResNet50V2': ResNet50V2, 'ResNet101V2': ResNet101V2, 'ResNet152V2': ResNet152V2, 'DenseNet121': DenseNet121, 'DenseNet169': DenseNet169, 'DenseNet201': DenseNet201, 'EfficientNetB0': EfficientNetB0, 'EfficientNetB1': EfficientNetB1, 'EfficientNetB2': EfficientNetB2, 'EfficientNetB3': EfficientNetB3, 'EfficientNetB4': EfficientNetB4, 'EfficientNetB5': EfficientNetB5, 'EfficientNetB6': EfficientNetB6, 'EfficientNetB7': EfficientNetB7, 'InceptionResNetV2': InceptionResNetV2, 'InceptionV3': InceptionV3, 'MobileNet': MobileNet, 'MobileNetV2': MobileNetV2, 'NASNetMobile': NASNetMobile, 'NASNetLarge': NASNetLarge, 'VGG16': VGG16, 'VGG19': VGG19, 'Xception': Xception, 'ViT_B16': ViT_B16, 'ViT_B32': ViT_B32, 'ViT_L16': ViT_L16, 'ViT_L32': ViT_L32, 'ConvNeXtBase': ConvNeXtBase, 'ConvNeXtTiny': ConvNeXtTiny, 'ConvNeXtSmall': ConvNeXtSmall, 'ConvNeXtLarge': ConvNeXtLarge} module-attribute ¤

Dictionary of implemented 2D Architectures Methods in AUCMEDI.

The base key (str) or an initialized Architecture can be passed to the NeuralNetwork class as architecture parameter.

Recommended via NeuralNetwork class
my_model = NeuralNetwork(n_labels=4, channels=3, architecture="2D.Xception",
                          input_shape(512, 512), activation_output="softmax")
Manual via architecture_dict import
from aucmedi.neural_network.architectures import Classifier, architecture_dict

classification_head = Classifier(n_labels=4, activation_output="softmax")
my_arch = architecture_dict["2D.Xception"](classification_head,
                                           channels=3, input_shape=(512,512))

my_model = NeuralNetwork(n_labels=None, channels=None, architecture=my_arch)
Manual via module import
from aucmedi.neural_network.architectures import Classifier
from aucmedi.neural_network.architectures.image import Xception

classification_head = Classifier(n_labels=4, activation_output="softmax")
my_arch = Xception(classification_head,
                                channels=3, input_shape=(512,512))

my_model = NeuralNetwork(n_labels=None, channels=None, architecture=my_arch)

If passing an architecture key to the NeuralNetwork class, be aware that you have to add "2D." in front of it.

For example:

# for the image architecture "ResNet101"

Architectures are based on the abstract base class aucmedi.neural_network.architectures.arch_base.Architecture_Base.

supported_standardize_mode = {'Vanilla': 'z-score', 'ResNet50': 'caffe', 'ResNet101': 'caffe', 'ResNet152': 'caffe', 'ResNet50V2': 'tf', 'ResNet101V2': 'tf', 'ResNet152V2': 'tf', 'DenseNet121': 'torch', 'DenseNet169': 'torch', 'DenseNet201': 'torch', 'EfficientNetB0': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB1': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB2': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB3': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB4': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB5': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB6': 'caffe', 'EfficientNetB7': 'caffe', 'InceptionResNetV2': 'tf', 'InceptionV3': 'tf', 'MobileNet': 'tf', 'MobileNetV2': 'tf', 'NASNetMobile': 'tf', 'NASNetLarge': 'tf', 'VGG16': 'caffe', 'VGG19': 'caffe', 'Xception': 'tf', 'ViT_B16': 'tf', 'ViT_B32': 'tf', 'ViT_L16': 'tf', 'ViT_L32': 'tf', 'ConvNeXtBase': None, 'ConvNeXtTiny': None, 'ConvNeXtSmall': None, 'ConvNeXtLarge': None} module-attribute ¤

Dictionary of recommended Standardize techniques for 2D Architectures Methods in AUCMEDI.

The base key (str) can be passed to the DataGenerator as standardize_mode parameter.


If training a new model from scratch, any Standardize technique can be used at will.
However, if training via transfer learning, it is required to use the recommended Standardize technique!

Recommended via the NeuralNetwork class
my_model = NeuralNetwork(n_labels=8, channels=3, architecture="2D.DenseNet121")

my_dg = DataGenerator(samples, "images_dir/", labels=None,
                      resize=my_model.meta_input,                  # (224, 224)
                      standardize_mode=my_model.meta_standardize)  # "torch"
Manual via supported_standardize_mode import
from aucmedi.neural_network.architectures import supported_standardize_mode
sf_norm = supported_standardize_mode["2D.DenseNet121"]

my_dg = DataGenerator(samples, "images_dir/", labels=None,
                      resize=(224, 224),                           # (224, 224)
                      standardize_mode=sf_norm)                    # "torch"

If using an architecture key for the supported_standardize_mode dictionary, be aware that you have to add "2D." in front of it.

For example:

# for the image architecture "ResNet101"
from aucmedi.neural_network.architectures import supported_standardize_mode
sf_norm = supported_standardize_mode["2D.ResNet101"]